notes and queries

Footnotes and Queries: 3. Feline Fine

This Notes and Queries query asked why cats have such a wide range of markings. So I took this as an opportunity to play around with pattern, something I don’t do too much. I feel like this one could work well as a wrapping paper pattern or something similar, a choose your own cat-tern wrapping paper of some sort! It’d be fun to see some cats walking around looking like fancy wallpaper, maybe it’ll be the new cat fashion someday.

Link to the original Guardian post here.


Footnotes and Queries: 2. Space Craft

If you go back through all my previous work it’s pretty easy to see that I like a bit of space. Faceless astronauts are my forte. I even spent a good amount of time in my last year of uni creating my own take on Stephen Hawking’s ‘A Brief History of Time’. So this particular query felt like it was made for me. When I thought about ‘making’ a planet my mind immediately wandered to this PES video, which I’m sure just about everyone has seen by now, and how fun that could be. It’s safe to say that that video massively inspired the concept for this Footnotes and Queries. But in reality I’m pretty sure it’s nothing like that, as much as I’d like it to be. So I guess I just have to settle for drawing it myself instead.

Link to the original Guardian post here.
